Inspiring those around you is essential for success as a leader. However, it is difficult to motivate others if you don't understand what motivates them. Understanding oneself is the first step toward developing compassion for others. One of the first rules of emotional intelligence is to "know thyself."
Remember what is important to you.
Putting your values on paper and forcing yourself to live up to them can be helpful. If you want to be reminded of something, put it somewhere you will see it frequently. Make sure you can always see it by moving it around every once in a while.
Consider your motivations on a regular basis.
Motives for working for this firm or field: To help reset those primary motivations, it can be helpful to be reminded of this on a regular basis.
You should think about reversing your current role.
If you put yourself in another person's shoes for a day or two, you'll have a much better understanding of their concerns and challenges. As an added bonus, you may be helping someone get a taste of what it's like to work at a higher level if the transfer works both ways.
Always inquire about the other person's well-being when beginning a one-on-one chat.
Make sure your employee understands the gravity of the situation and is confident in their ability to provide an honest response. This detail, however slight it may seem, is often overlooked.
Learn effective methods for handling conflicts.
Learning effective strategies for dealing with challenging situations has a number of advantages. Not only are there many different applications of this type, but there is also an increasing body of literature on the topic.
Begin keeping a journal.
Keeping a work journal is similar to keeping a diary as a teenager in that it can help you understand your actions and decisions, especially if this sort of introspection does not come easily to you. Take some time at the end of each day or week to reflect on how things went and how you felt.
Do a gratitude journal.
As a constant reminder of your good fortune and what you have to lose, this is a common tactic used by addicts and others trying to regulate their behavior.
Meditation is a good practice.
Meditation techniques can range from focusing on your breathing to more involved forms of mindfulness. No matter how you decide to employ this skill, resources such as support groups, books, meditation, and smartphone applications will be a great help.
Recognize contributions where they are due
Employees should be thanked frequently and sincerely for their efforts. Create something that stands out and isn't robotic in tone. Far too many employers assume that merely handing out paychecks is sufficient gratitude.